It's official! The tooth fairy has a website ! Apparently the tooth fairy used to give a dollar per tooth but now she gives two dollars if they are very clean teeth! Cal lost his first tooth Friday night and he pulled it out by himself. Technically the dentist pulled his 4 upper teeth a long time ago (long story on that) but we're counting this week as his official first tooth. He collected 12 quarters and the tooth fairy left his tooth so he could put it in his baby book. Something tells us she will be back this week as there is another loose one on the bottom!
17 hours ago
Love that smile!!!! and you, too, Cal.
I have 3 boys triplets they are 13 now but I remember when they were loosing teeth like this I felt like a change vending machine instead of the tooth fairy LOL
what a cutie
Oh my what a cutie pie! Love that smile
How cute is he? It does make me ask "What does a little guy with all those missing teeth eat???"
I just love toothless grins! I'm stopping through from One World-One Love. I have a 7 yr old son as well and he's in the throws of loosing teeth. YIKES $2 a tooh now-a-days! I guess I owe my lil man some more I'll have to check out the site for the tooth fairy.
My son just turned six and is all worried because his teeth are practically bolted in -- no sign of a wiggle!
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