Monday, March 2, 2009

6-7 inches!

We woke up Saturday morning to 6-7 inches of snow!!! The kids were so happy to have snow to play in again. Cal quickly ate his breakfast and then ran out to our deck to measure how deep it was. He made his own ruler at school and hasn't had much opportunity to use it.

Lydia of course was dressed and ready for her ballet/acro class but had to go stand in the snow before leaving. Of course her class was cancelled and so was Cal's basketball game... so Cal went to a birthday party. His friend likes stars and the color purple so we put together a little bracelet for her as well as a Hannah Montana gift bought from the store.
Over all, even though it was very cold, we had a great weekend. We got a lot of shopping done (although I still have to get groceries) and had just as much family time. Church was great and the kids were finally able to sit through the service... we went out to lunch and got totally stuffed on Mexican food & dessert and again the kids were great! We couldn't have asked for a better weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun weekend. I would have loved to have been there. We just had rain, rain, rain. Tell Cal I liked his ruler. The little bracelet was very pretty, too. Little girls seem to love purple and lavender as do big girls!:) Have a wonderful week.